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How Babies Get Colic + What You Can Do About It

Dad kissing babyInfantile colic is a condition that can be both frustrating and controversial for parents. Many conventional pediatricians mistakenly state that “some babies just get colic” and “don’t worry, they’ll grow out of it.” However, there is ongoing debate about the root causes of colic and how babies develop this condition. In this blog post, we’ll break down the science behind colic, keep it simple, and discuss safe and natural ways to help ease your little one’s constant crying and discomfort.

If your baby is struggling with colic and you’re desperate for answers and relief from the constant crying and sleepless nights, this is for you! If your gut is telling you that it’s not normal that your baby is constantly crying, uncomfortable, arching their back, and cranking their neck to try and find some relief – keep reading.

We are going to reveal how overall neurological function can resolve many of your child’s health struggles! Learn gentle ways to stimulate the nervous system, plus specialized chiropractic care to detect and address vagus nerve dysfunction without drugs or surgery.

The Most Overlooked Trigger of Colic

One of the most overlooked yet obvious initial triggers of colic is an overstressed and subluxated nervous system. At [INSERT PRACTICE NAME], we often find that the vast majority of colic patients have at least one of the following stressors in their case history:

  • A high-stress or high-risk pregnancy
  • Birth interventions such as forceps, vacuum extraction, induction, epidural, or c-section that can physically injure and alter the function of the nerves and muscles of the upper neck

These interventions can impact various functions, including sleeping, latching, breastfeeding, swallowing, digestion, and gross motor development, like turning the head and tummy time. These common initial stressors can cause the infant’s nervous system to become highly sensitive and stuck in a sympathetic fight or flight mode.

Jackson’s Story of Hope

[Story of baby Jackson and his recovery through chiropractic care]

Sympathetic Dominance and Its Effects

When an infant’s nervous system is stuck in a sympathetic fight or flight mode, they may struggle with basic health functions such as sleeping, eating, pooping, and moving. Parents often innately know that something within their little one’s body is not working well, including both “internal” muscles that control digestion and “external” muscles of the neck and spine. This is why infants with colic often struggle more after eating and are constantly arching their neck and back.

[Additional information about sympathetic dominance and its effects]

Finding the Real Root Cause

While most people look to the stomach or digestive system for the root cause of colic, it’s often found even deeper within the nervous system and its control and coordination of digestive motility, absorption, and elimination. When tension and subluxation build up along the neurospinal system, a colicky baby will often arch their back and crane their neck, trying to release or dissipate that tension themselves. This is an almost sure sign that the root cause of their discomfort is neurospinal discomfort and tension, not merely digestive dysfunction.

[Information about Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care]

Benefits of Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care for Colic

In addition to helping alleviate the symptoms of colic, chiropractic care can offer a range of other benefits for infants and children. These may include:

  • Improved sleep quality and duration
  • Enhanced immune system function
  • Better digestion and reduced digestive discomfort
  • Increased range of motion and flexibility
  • Support for healthy brain and nervous system development

It’s important to note that chiropractic care is not a “one-size-fits-all” solution, and results may vary from child to child. However, many parents have reported significant improvements in their babies’ comfort, happiness, and overall well-being following chiropractic care.

So, if you’re ready to find real answers and drug-free solutions for your baby’s colic, consider scheduling an initial consultation with one of our docs at Blossom Family Chiropractic and Wellness. With the right approach, you can help your little one find the peace, comfort, and restful sleep you both desperately need. Don’t spend another exhausting night wondering if there’s hope – take action and seek the support your family deserves.

If you are not local to us, please check out the PX Docs directory to find a PX Doc near you. By addressing the root cause of colic through gentle, Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care, you can help your baby thrive and enjoy a happier, healthier childhood.